Advanced Nutrients Bud Ignitor 4L faster flip

Advanced Nutrients Bud Ignitor 4L

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Bud Ignitor 

Start Your Bloom Phase Providing Powerful Nutrition for Bigger, Better Flowers
Bud Ignitor is the ideal bud potentiator you use at the beginning of your bloom phase. Phosphorus assists in the storage and transfer of energy, and flower maturation. Use Bud Ignitor to give your blooming plants a strong start for a very pleasing harvest.


Trigger Bigger Buds Earlier In Your Crop Cycle Each and Every Time You Grow


When you include Bug Ignitor in your feeding recipe, you’ll…

  • Enjoy rapid development of budding sites
  • Protect your crops with extra reserves of key nutrients
  • Deliver targeted nutrition for a profitable harvest

Just imagine…

You’ll achieve a dense canopy of potent flowers exploding with concentrated compounds…

All because you fed your cannabis one convenient early bloom-phase additive fertilizer.

What’s more, by initiating earlier bud formation, you’ll get up to one extra crop cycle per year

So you can compound profit with your additional season