Sprouting Directions
Tray Method (no soil):
- SOAK- Cover the bottom of the sprouting tray with one single layer of seed. Place the tray and seeds in a dish of water and soak for 4-8 hours. (Alternatively, once you’ve measured your seeds in the tray, you can put the seeds in a bowl, fill the bowl with water, and soak for 4-8 hours.) Drain well.
- RINSE – Twice a day, rinse the seeds. Either rinse under a tap of running water, or use a spray bottle to mist well. Tip the tray to the side to drain well.
- ENJOY – Ready to eat in 4 or 5 days. Refrigerate to store. Sprouts can be refrigerated for up to two weeks in a sealed container. (Sprouts store best when they are fairly dry- do not store immediately after rinsing.)
- TIP for the crunchiest sunflower shoots: Once the roots start to to grow through the bottom holes of the tray, put the sprouting tray in a larger tray, such as a glass baking dish. Fill the larger tray with 1/4″ water. This will allow the roots to take up extra water and give the best tasting water-grown sunflower shoots!
Prepare enough moisture into your soil ahead of time
- Soak the sunflower seed 4-8 hours.
- Sprinkle the soaked seeds over the moistened soil in a tray, and press them gently into the loose soil. Cover loosely with a clean towel, unbleached paper towel, plastic, or a thin layer of soil to maintain humidity. Stack an empty tray on top of the towel/plastic. Put weight in the empty tray. This will help root the seeds into the soil. Check daily to determine the moisture
- After the seeds begin to germinate, you can remove the towel/plastic and continue spritzing the seed twice daily until it reaches desired height.
- Growing tips: Adding a tsp of liquid kelp to the water is beneficial.Make sure this large seed is completely covered so it stays moist. To obtain great germination, keep your seeds at a steady temperature (70F).After germination, avoid keeping the soil too moist.
10×20 microgreen tray seeding rate: 150g to 180g seed per tray
Tip for easier hull removal: 2-3 days before harvesting, lightly mist the sunflowers and gently lay over top plastic wrap that creates a greenhouse effect. Lightly brush your hand over top and the husks should start removing easier.